The Jesus Tree.
Between Baralaba and Woorabinda (an Aboriginal community) on the side of the red dirt road stands the Jesus Tree. With its broken off...
The Bloodwood Tree.
Historically Indigenous Australians used the desert bloodwood tree for traditional medicine. The exudate from the trunk or branches was...
All things beautiful
There are times I feel dry, empty and disconnected to life and those around me. For inspiration I look to the satin bowerbird who...
An Australian Lament
My heart is over whelmed and my soul deeply burdened. States of emergency and a beautiful country on fire never to be the same again....
Troubadour of God
St Francis of Assisi is a hero of mine. More than any other person his life reflected the love and compassion of God as he sought to walk...
Hop in
The imagination of children is wonderful. A while back a child was looking at this painting and asked me how I got the kangaroos to stay...
Angels come in strange and unexpected disguises as illustrated by a women I meet in North Queensland . She shared about a personal dark...
Fear not
The bunyip, a large mythical creature from Australian Aboriginal mythology, is said to lurk in swamps, billabongs, creeks and waterholes....
Year of the pig
Pigs really have been given a bad rap. This thought occurred to me as we enter the Chinese year of the pig . I started to list some of...
Flow of grace
Water always flows down to the lowest point. When I reflect on grace -- all that is good, life giving and nourishing - I not only see its...